New proyect: Text Mining with R | Macarena Quiroga

New proyect: Text Mining with R

One of my pending debts was always the analysis of texts with R, largely because in my PhD I do corpus analysis. So I decided to start reading the book Text Mining with R by Julia Silge and David Robinson. I’m going to leave my notes (in spanish) and my practice with this material on my github.

As always, remember you can suscribe to my blog to stay updated, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. And if you like what I do, you can buy me a cafecito from Argentina or a kofi.

Macarena Quiroga
Macarena Quiroga
Linguist/PhD student

I research language acquisition. I’m looking to deepen my knowledge of statistis and data science with R/Rstudio. If you like what I do, you can buy me a coffee from Argentina, or a kofi from other countries. Suscribe to my blog here.
