
  • Get started with TidyModels: screencast video-tutorial made by Julia Silge to get started in Machine Learning. The goal is to create a classification model with the palmerpenguins dataset with two kinds of tools: a logistic regression and a random forest. I find it very useful to those who want to begin familiarizing themselves with these concepts. You can see the whole serie in her website.

  • Working with databases in R: two-hour presentation with the John Mutiso, statistics specialist and NairobiR member, as a presenter, and Cristopher Maronga, data management specialist, as the speaker.

  • Tools and technologies for supporting algorithm fairness and inclusion: talk between Dorothy Gordon (organizer of the UNESCO Information For All Programme), Achim Zeileis (statistic professor at the Innsbruck University, Austria), Kristian Lum (research professor at the Computer Sciente and Information Department of the University of Pennsylvania) and Jonathan Godfrey (statistic professor at University of Massey, Aotearoa New Zealand).

  • Data visualization for machine learning practitioners: Julia Silge’s presentation for Why R? 2020 event.

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